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Condensate Treatment

Clean dry air where and when you need it

Air Compressor,Air Compressors,Shop Compressor,Atlas Copco Air Compressor,Gardner Denver Air Compressor,Ingersoll-Rand Air Compressor,
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Atlas Copco,Uni,Keltec,Edmac,compressed air filter,filter element,filtration,oil removal filter,coalescer,particulate,activated carbon,
Sullair,Air Metrix,Parker Finite,Keltec,flow control,flow controller,demand controller,air receiver,receiver tank,Pressure Relief Valve,Pressure Gauge,air tank,air storage tank, filter element,coalescing filter,particulate filter,compressed air filter,
Airnet,Atlas Copco Airnet,Parker Transair,Transair,Legris,Transair Legris,aluminum piping,compressed air piping system,compressed air,compressor piping,metal piping,
Atlas Copco,Sullair,Air/Oil Separator,Blow Down Valve,Oil Filter,replacement compressor filter elements,coalescing,particulate,oil filters,air intake filters,lubricant
Air Compressor Service,Air Compressor Repair,Desiccant Dryer Repair,Refrigeration Dryer Repair,Air Dryer Repair,Emergency Compressor Service,
dryer rentals,air dryer rental,air compressor rental, compressor rental,emergency rental,equipment rentals,
Oil-Flooded Compressors,Oil-Free Compressors,Vacuums,Air Dryers,In-Line Filters,Low-Pressure Compressors,Blowers,N2 Generators,Nitrogen Generators,Engineered Piping,Airnet,smartlink,
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Sullube,compressor lube,compressor lubricants,ultracoolant,ultra coolant,ssr ultra,quinsyn,rotoxtend,aeon 9000,sigma 8000,pao,food grade,pristine,
Compressor parts,Uni replacement parts,air filter,separator,oil filter,lube filter,Atlas Copco,sullair,ingersoll rand,gardner denver,kaeser,palatek,


Condensate Treatment EquipmentWhen operating a lubricated compressor, the resulting, naturally-produced condensate run-off will contain trace amounts of the lubricant used in compressor's compression chamber, or airend, harming the environment.

To be good stewards of our environment, leaving it healthy and clean for our children, requires that the oil be captured before the water is released onto the ground, or into a drain.

Consider also that The Clean Water Act of 1970 requires oil discharges such as found in compressed air systems, be disposed of in a prescribed manner. So, in addition to spoiling our beautiful earth, it is unlawful to dump contaminated water.

Industrial compressed air systems can discharge as much as 1 gallon of oil for every 50 gallons of water condensate produced. With the right condensate contaminate system, you can keep your cost of disposal to a minimum by discharging the clean condensate water into a drain after capturing the lubricant or oil.

HTE Compressed Air Solutions provides industrial companies throughout Kansas, Missouri, and Illinois with condensate contaminate removal systems.
For more information please contact Customer Service at 800-444-4831 or by email at