operating a lubricated compressor, the resulting,
naturally-produced condensate run-off will contain trace
amounts of the lubricant used in compressor's compression
chamber, or airend, harming the environment.
To be good stewards of our environment, leaving it healthy
and clean for our children, requires that the oil be captured
before the water is released onto the ground, or into a
Consider also that The Clean Water Act of 1970 requires oil
discharges such as found in compressed air systems, be
disposed of in a prescribed manner. So, in addition to
spoiling our beautiful earth, it is unlawful to dump
contaminated water.
Industrial compressed air systems can discharge as much as 1
gallon of oil for every 50 gallons of water condensate
produced. With the right condensate contaminate system, you
can keep your cost of disposal to a minimum by discharging
the clean condensate water into a drain after capturing the
lubricant or oil.
HTE Compressed Air Solutions provides industrial companies
Kansas, Missouri, and Illinois
with condensate contaminate removal systems.