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Energy Audits

You can't manage what you don't measure

directair,direct air,air as a utility,guaranteed air,air over the fence,fourth utility,4th utility,compressed air utility,compressed air,air compressor rental,compressed air quality,
AC Drive,VFDs,Drives,frequency inverters,freq' inverter,Inverters,drive inverters,Freq Drives,Freq' Drive,Variable Freq Drive,Variable Frequency Drive,Varable Frequency Drives,Variable Speed Drive,VSD,VFD,micro drives,adjustable speed drive,
Sullair,Air Metrix,Parker Finite,Keltec,flow control,flow controller,demand controller,air receiver,receiver tank,Pressure Relief Valve,Pressure Gauge,air tank,air storage tank, filter element,coalescing filter,particulate filter,compressed air filter,
Atlas Copco,Uni,Keltec,Edmac,compressed air filter,filter element,filtration,oil removal filter,coalescer,particulate,activated carbon,
Airnet,Atlas Copco Airnet,Parker Transair,Transair,Legris,Transair Legris,aluminum piping,compressed air piping system,compressed air,compressor piping,metal piping,
air compressors,cooler,dryer,atlas copco,compressed air,Industrial,piston,Portable,rotary screw,scroll,Turbocompressors,variable speed drive compressors
dryer rentals,air dryer rental,air compressor rental, compressor rental,emergency rental,equipment rentals,
PM Plan,compressor pm,preventative maintenance,planned maintenance,pmp,compressor service,compressor repairs,annual compressor service,quarterly compressor service,compressor oil change,
rental compressors,rental dryers,air audits,leak audits,energy incentives,compressor service,dryer service,air compressor service,air dryer service,utility compressed air,
SmartLink,Remote Monitoring,Industrial IOT,compressed air,Industrial,piston,rotary screw,scroll,variable speed drive compressors
Sullube,compressor lube,compressor lubricants,ultracoolant,ultra coolant,ssr ultra,quinsyn,rotoxtend,aeon 9000,sigma 8000,pao,food grade,pristine,
Compressor parts,Uni replacement parts,air filter,separator,oil filter,lube filter,Atlas Copco,sullair,ingersoll rand,gardner denver,kaeser,palatek,


Energy AuditsHTE Compressed Air Audits and Leak Audits help reduce energy and repair costs, improve system reliability, increase productivity and reduce unscheduled downtime.

Our complete operating pressure and flow profile tells you when, where, and how much air you require for: Demand by day + shift; Peak demand events; Highest sustained demand; Average sustained demand; Lowest sustained demand; and Pressure drops

Compressed Air Auditing ToolsYou will also learn how to reduce your maintenance expenditures, your compressor down-time, and how much wasted air is costing in energy due to artificial demand created by open blowing, personal cooling, machine cooling, non-OSHA approved blow apparatuses, vacuum generation, and leaks. All our reports are focued on how to maximize the ROI of system maintenance, retrofits or upgrades.

Our auditing team includes multiple holders of the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY QUALIFIED AIR-MASTER + SPECIALIST credentials, Certified Energy Managers (CEM), and Certified Measurement and Verification Professionals (CMVP).


Leak Detection Equipment
Click here for information on our LEAK AUDITS

Compressed air audits are performed to establish a baseline of energy consumption for a compressed air system. These baselines are determined through careful review and data logging of the compressed air system along with an analysis of the utility data.

Certified Energy ManagerThis baseline is an important reference point to facilitate future decisions regarding the compressed air system. The “plant air” system can account for 10-20% of annual electrical energy consumption at a facility.

Certified Measurement Verification Professional
Our goal is to reduce energy consumption as much as possible with low cost/no cost recommendations. Compressed air leaks, piping changes, equipment updates, control strategies and condensate drain upgrades are examples of some typical solutions.

Compressed Air And Gas Institute HTE Compressed Air Solutions is dedicated to providing the resources Kansas, Missouri and Illinois manufacturers need to maximize the return on their investment in energy audit services. Our goal is to deliver increased competitiveness as we apply technology in industry.
For more information please contact Customer Service at 800-444-4831 or by email at